Will you accept my case on a contingency basis?
If you hire your lawyer on a contingency fee basis, they only get paid a legal fee if you receive payment through a settlement or collected judgment. On a contingency basis, your attorney will get a percentage of the amount collected. Generally, you should want your lawyer to accept your case on a contingency fee basis, especially if significant insurance is involved. If you retain a lawyer hourly, you will pay the monthly amount you are billed based on your lawyer’s hourly rate and time committed to your file. You generally will pay a legal fee whether or not you win the case. While you can hire a personal injury attorney on an hourly basis, you will more than likely be required to give the lawyer an up-front cash retainer and advance all expert witness fees and expenses incurred as part of the claim. If a lawyer asks for an hourly fee arrangement, this could be cause for concern as they probably have little confidence in winning the case.
Lawyers who accept cases on a contingency basis will likely do whatever is necessary to move the case along as quick as possible.