Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

Category: Car Accidents

Car accidents in New Jersey can result in severe damage to your automobile as well  as serious or even fatal personal injuries. According to the New Jersey State Police, a total of 574 fatal car accidents occurred in the state in 2016 ,with 605 deaths resulting from those crashes. The New Jersey Department of…

Most of us never think twice about how we drive. It can be such a routine activity. We simply hop in our cars and hit the road. However, when we approach driving that way, it can lead to us developing bad habits such as speeding when we think we can…

The scariest thing about Halloween – a holiday which is meant to excited and delight children – has nothing to do with goblins or ghouls — or clowns. Instead, the most frightening thing about this holiday is a chilling car accident statistic that comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…

Like many other parents in New Jersey, you may feel stressed every time you hand the keys of your car to your teen driver. Your concern is understandable: As WalletHub reports, even though drivers between the ages of 15 and 24 represent only 14 percent of the drivers on the road, they cause…

Getting a driver’s license is a major event in every teenager’s life. However, a license does not ensure the teen will be safe and responsible and avoid dangerous behavior such as drinking and driving. Unfortunately, impaired driving among teens is a major safety issue in New Jersey and across the country….