Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

Category: Car Accidents

Speed frequently is a contributing factor in serious car accidents. Whether a driver was going too fast to stop for a light or they were driving too fast for poor weather conditions—speed can mean the difference between arriving safely and being involved in a horrible wreck. Recently, a fatal accident…

Sometimes it’s hard to know who to blame in a car accident. Sometimes more than one driver is at fault; at other times a single person is to blame. But what happens when no one is in the vehicle that strikes a pedestrian? What happens when an unattended car is…

No matter how safe of a driver you are, you may still be at risk of being involved in a serious and potentially life-altering accident if your vehicle does not perform the way it was intended to. From the tires to the airbags and even the brakes, an automobile is…

For all of the criticism that NYC faces for its handling of accidents and its reconfiguring of streets and traffic patterns, they’ve largely been able to say, “But, it makes the city safer.” Officials have been able to point at data for the past several years and show that car…

If you’ve spent any time on New Jersey freeways, the fact that our drivers speed should be no surprise. But a study from Fairleigh Dickinson University published last month indicates speeding isn’t the only risk-taking behavior among our drivers, though it might be the most common. Many other behaviors, including…

A school bus accident proved fatal last week as children were heading home for their long weekend. According to DelawareOnline.com, the victim was a 60-year old man who was driving a dark gray Dodge pick-up at the time of the accident. The accident occurred at the corner of Fischer Boulevard…

Yesterday, a 62 year old Toms River woman lost her life on I-95 in Port Chester, NY when two wheels and tires detached from a truck jumping the median and striking her car traveling in the opposite direction. A passenger in the car was also injured and hospitalized. My thoughts…