After an extensive debate with federal officials, Graco Children’s Products is recalling 1.9 million potentially defective infant car seats, according to the New York Times.
The company recalled 4.2 million toddler seats earlier this year after reports that a faulty buckle made it difficult to remove children from the car in emergencies. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urged the company to also recall certain rear-facing infant car seats with the same buckle.
Graco initially refused, saying that infant seats were designed differently and parents could remove their children – still in the carrier – and get them out of the car without immediately having to unbuckle them.
Details of Current Car Seat Recall
The current Graco car seat recall applies to infant seats manufactured between July 2010 and May 2013, including:
- SnugRide
- SnugRide Classic Connect (including Classic Connect 30 and 35)
- SnugRide 30
- SnugRide 35
- SnugRide Click Connect 40
- Aprica A 30
You can find out whether your car seat is included in the recall by checking the white label on the bottom of the infant seat carrier. You can then enter the model name and date of manufacture at GracoBuckleRecall.com or call (877) 766- 7470 to order the replacement parts.
In a statement, Graco added that parents can order a free replacement buckle regardless of whether their infant car seat is included in the recall by going through the same process. The company also said that the car seats remain safe to use until the replacement parts arrive, and that it has received no reports of injuries associated with infant seats and the current buckle.
With this latest recall, Graco now has the largest car seat recall in American history.
The Evenflo Co., another manufacturer of child safety seats, is facing similar pressure from the NHTSA because an estimated 200,000 of its seats are equipped with the same buckle as Graco’s. The NHTSA has said that it will continue to encourage Evenflo to follow in Graco’s footsteps. The defective buckles were purchased from AmSafe Commercial Products in Elkhart, Ind.
What You Should Know About Child Safety Seats
Car seat recalls happen more frequently than you may think. You can keep up with them by signing up for an e-mail notification through the NHTSA or even downloading apps to keep you current on the latest recalls.
Other things to know:
- Car seats have an expiration date, generally 6 to 8 years after purchase.
- Expiration dates provide consumers with guidelines about the “useful” life span of that model.
- You should check the expiration date on any car seats you buy secondhand or inherit from friends or family members.
Your Legal Rights Concerning Car Seats
As consumers, you have the right to expect that the car seats and booster seats that you purchase will protect your children in the event of a vehicle accident. When a manufacturer violates that trust by selling a faulty model, you may have grounds for a product liability lawsuit.
If you believe your child was injured by a car seat flaw, it is best to speak with an experienced attorney to learn about your legal rights.
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