Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

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Currently, New Jersey along with 29 other states allow adults to consume marijuana for medical conditions but lawmakers are pushing legislation to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for residents 21 and older. Although proponents say legalizing marijuana will increase tax revenue and decrease crime rates, law enforcement may encounter some…

The discussion over whether or not talcum powder is dangerous has reached an all-time high this year, much in part due to the extraordinary jury ruling in St. Louis in February. The jury found Johnson & Johnson liable for causing a woman to develop and ultimately die from, ovarian cancer,…

From late November through mid-January, families and friends gather to celebrate at holiday parties and family gatherings. Everyone deserves to relax over the holidays, but that doesn’t have to mean letting your guard down. The holidays are a good time to focus on safety because car crashes, falls and other…

As I watched the elimination matches of the 2018 World Cup, I cannot help but think back to my days as the goal tender and co-captain of the Englewood School for Boys soccer team (now Dwight Englewood). I realize that many of my life lessons taught to me by Coach Lender and the principles I…

One out of every five Americans in the workplace is 65 or older, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. By comparison, twenty years ago, labor statistics show that one of every eight workers was 65 or older. Retirement patterns have changed significantly in recent decades. An increasing number…

New Jersey has been a pioneer by enacting laws protecting injured workers and their families since 1911. Unfortunately, most people do not know they are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, let alone have any idea what is necessary when making a claim. According to the Steven Cohen, Esq., Chairman of…

Although accidents happen all the time, each one is unique and different, especially those involving tractor trailers, buses, and other commercial vehicles. Therefore, it is important that our firm customizes where we are going right from the beginning of our initial investigation. It is imperative on a hired attorney’s part…

With the increase in bicycle usage over the last few years, it is no surprise to learn that many cyclists are injured or killed while on the road. While many have decided to give up vehicles and use bikes as their main mode of transportation, the threat has increased exponentially,…

Over the past few years, Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company, has been vilified in the media. From environmental protests and accusatory documentaries, to “franken-food” memes, the corporation has had the world in an uproar with their notorious cutting-edge creations. To understand how Monsanto got to this point, it is…

New Jersey Transit is a primary source of transportation for many commuters in New Jersey and the New York City area. The mass transit system carries more than 300,000 people every day and over 95,000 people to Manhattan alone. The NJ Transit Authority has a legal duty to maintain its…