Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

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The popularity of e-cigarettes and vaping has skyrocketed since the devices launched in 2007 and have since managed to rake in over $3.5 billion. Manufacturers and advertisers alike market e-cigarettes as the safer alternative to smoking and tout the lack of offensive odors that accompany actual cigarettes. However, extreme health…

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Borough officials held a special meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2019 to make professional appointments and Attorney Marc Saperstein was sworn-in to serve as a Municipal Judge during the meeting. Marc has served as a Municipal Judge in the past prior to this appointment, as well as…

The workers’ rights and workplace safety measures enacted in the 20th century have greatly improved U.S. labor as a whole. However, that does not mean all employees are always safe from harm today. Improper handling of machinery, exposure to chemicals, and other harmful substances still pose a serious risk. One…

Have you ever heard a clicking or popping sound when opening your mouth? How about experiencing intense, burning pain while trying to chew food? Do you ever wake up with a severe headache that seems to have developed out of nowhere? If you answered yes to any of these questions,…

Currently, New Jersey along with 29 other states allow adults to consume marijuana for medical conditions but lawmakers are pushing legislation to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for residents 21 and older. Although proponents say legalizing marijuana will increase tax revenue and decrease crime rates, law enforcement may encounter some…

The discussion over whether or not talcum powder is dangerous has reached an all-time high this year, much in part due to the extraordinary jury ruling in St. Louis in February. The jury found Johnson & Johnson liable for causing a woman to develop and ultimately die from, ovarian cancer,…

From late November through mid-January, families and friends gather to celebrate at holiday parties and family gatherings. Everyone deserves to relax over the holidays, but that doesn’t have to mean letting your guard down. The holidays are a good time to focus on safety because car crashes, falls and other…

As I watched the elimination matches of the 2018 World Cup, I cannot help but think back to my days as the goal tender and co-captain of the Englewood School for Boys soccer team (now Dwight Englewood). I realize that many of my life lessons taught to me by Coach Lender and the principles I…