Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) typically will investigate reports of personal injuries caused by the products that it regulates: Food, drugs, cosmetics, tobacco products and electronic products that give off radiation. Currently, the FDA is looking into reports about exploding e-cigarettes. According to a recent CNN report, the FDA identified 134…

A slip and fall can happen at any time of the year in New Jersey and on many different types of surfaces. These are very common incidents. As the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) reports, slips and falls are responsible for about one million visits to the emergency room each year in the U.S….

Car accidents in New Jersey can result in severe damage to your automobile as well  as serious or even fatal personal injuries. According to the New Jersey State Police, a total of 574 fatal car accidents occurred in the state in 2016 ,with 605 deaths resulting from those crashes. The New Jersey Department of…

Slip and falls are extremely common and detrimental to workers. The National Floor Safety Institute reports that slip and falls are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims and occupational injury amongst workers ages 55 and older in our country. Slip and falls also serve as the primary cause of missed days from…

Most of us never think twice about how we drive. It can be such a routine activity. We simply hop in our cars and hit the road. However, when we approach driving that way, it can lead to us developing bad habits such as speeding when we think we can…

Cold winter temperatures can pose risks for anyone. However, for seniors who are more fragile, less resilient and have compromised immune systems, cold weather has the potential to be especially dangerous. Whether living in a nursing home or their own residence, here are some important cold weather tips for the elderly to…

The holiday season is characterized by gratitude and giving, great food, time with family and friends, holiday decorations galore, shopping, gift buying and lots of snow and ice. Those latter two items – adverse weather conditions – may be beautiful to look at and great for winter sports, but they…