Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

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May through September is the busiest time of year for most amusement and water parks throughout the country. Each summer, millions of people patronize these parks, hoping to make memories and looking for exhilarating thrills. Unfortunately, tragedies can occur and this summer has proven to be one of the most…

A Bergen County jury recently awarded a combined $9.5 million to two sisters who were severely injured Memorial Day weekend boating accident along the Jersey Shore in 2009. Like many personal injury cases, the sisters’ trial was bifurcated, or divided into separate liability and damages proceedings. In January, the jury found after a three-week…

Like many other parents in New Jersey, you may feel stressed every time you hand the keys of your car to your teen driver. Your concern is understandable: As WalletHub reports, even though drivers between the ages of 15 and 24 represent only 14 percent of the drivers on the road, they cause…

You can use hands-free, Bluetooth technology while you are driving in New Jersey. However, you should ask yourself: Even though it is legal, is it still safe to do so? You may find that the risk of getting involved in a serious car accident while using a hands-free device may be similar…

Everyone knows that driving while distracted is not a smart idea. They should also know that using a cell phone while driving to chat or text is distracting behavior that significantly increases the risk of being involved in an accident. Regardless, there has been a reported increase in what may be a…

For employees in commercial and manufacturing industries, it is often difficult to know whether one’s work setting is safe from potentially life-threatening hazards. Failure of a company to follow industry safety guidelines or follow the warnings of safety inspectors can lead to tragedy. According to the Occupational Safety & Health…

The decision to get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol can permanently alter one’s life. Preventing friends and family from driving while impaired by alcohol is the most important step one can take to ensure drunk driving has no place in a community. While enjoying a night out with…

Attorney Samuel L. Davis recently secured a $15 million settlement on behalf of the family of a 13-year-old girl who suffered severe injuries in a 2013 escalator accident at a department store in New Jersey’s Garden State Plaza. You can go here to read a press release about the case. Mr. Davis filed the…