A roofer fell while working in New York. Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C. partner Marc C. Saperstein—who also heads the New Jersey firm’s New York practice—proved that under the New York Labor Law, Section 240, the defendants were responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries. The residential community’s insurance carrier paid him over 3 million dollars for their fault in causing the accident.
The plaintiff was repairing a leak on the roof when his foot slipped on a cold, icy shingle. He fell 20 feet to the ground and did not have fall protection.
The responding Police Department conducted an accident investigation. They uncovered that the weather conditions on the night prior to the accident were very cold, resulting in the freezing cold shingle that caused our client to slip and fall.
He was taken by an ambulance to a New York hospital and was admitted for 10 days. As a result of the fall, our client suffered from a fracture of the distal pole of the patella, a non-displaced fracture of his leg at the left fibular head, fractures of the left first and twelfth ribs, basilar atelectasis (partial lung collapse), and discogenic low back pain. He underwent multiple surgical procedures, including arthrocentesis—or fluid removal—in the left knee, partial removal of his left knee—also known as open partial patellectomy—and left ankle tendon repair. The injured roofer also underwent a procedure called a left knee arthroscopy, where surgeons searched for signs of joint issues. To treat his back injury, he received multiple epidural steroid injections and multiple cortisone injections.
There were life-altering injuries that affected his activities of daily living, along with his physical injuries. Do you or someone you know have similar injuries or circumstances to this one? Our dedicated legal team of over 25 attorneys is here to help. Call now for a free case evaluation or reach out online and we’ll call you back.
Medical Glossary:
Basilar Atelectasis: a condition that happens when you have a partial collapse of the lungs; caused when the small air sacs in the lungs deflate
Cortisone Injections: injections that can help relieve pain and inflammation in a specific area of the body
Discogenic Low Back Pain: a pain caused by chemically or mechanically damaged vertebral discs
Distal Pole of the Patella: the end of the kneecap that is closest to the forearm
Epidural Steroid Injections: a minimally invasive procedure that can relieve neck, arm, back and leg pain; delivers steroids via a needle
Non-Displaced Fracture: a bone that cracks, but maintains its proper position and alignment