An elderly New Jersey man was hit and injured by a passing vehicle while he tried to unlock his car. After Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C. partner Marc C. Saperstein proved that the driver of the car was negligent, the plaintiff received a $1.5 million dollar settlement.
Our client exited a store and crossed the street to go to his car. As he stood at the driver’s side with his keys to open the door, a passing car struck him, causing serious injuries. He was taken by ambulance to a local hospital, then transferred to the trauma unit at another hospital facility, where he was admitted for one month.
The police report wrongly described our client’s clothing, and the diagram the officer drew was also incorrect. We disproved the facts in the police report through depositions and onsite inspections.
The fall caused the elderly man to suffer injuries to his back, left leg, shoulders, and brain. To his back, he suffered an unstable TL2 burst fracture, thoracic spine instability and thoracic spinal stenosis. To his leg, he suffered a left fibula fracture and a left ankle fracture. He also suffered rotator cuff tears in both shoulders. As a result of him hitting his head, our client suffered a traumatic brain injury. He gained a concussion that caused him to experience hallucinations, memory loss, and loss of concentration.
Multiple experts were retained, and a medical life care plan was established.
Do you or someone you know have similar injuries or circumstances to this one? Our dedicated legal team of over 25 attorneys is here to help. Call now for a free case evaluation or reach out online and we’ll call you back.
Medical Glossary:
Burst Fracture: when a vertebra is crushed in all directions; a severe form of compression fractures
Cognitive Injuries: An injury to the part of the brain relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity
Rotator Cuff Tear: a rip in the group of four muscles and tendons that stabilize your shoulder joint and let you lift and rotate your arm
Spinal Stenosis: one or more bony openings within the spine begin to narrow and reduce space for the nerves; puts pressure on the spinal cord
Suicidal Ideation: when someone thinks about killing himself or herself but doesn’t necessarily have a plan to die by suicide
Thoracic Spine: the upper and middle part of the back; consists of twelve bones
Tibia: the inner and typically larger of the two bones between the knee and ankle
Traumatic Brain Injury: An injury that affects how the brain works