Saving Lives Through Contract for Life
Steven Benvenisti has created and trademarked the Contract for Life for young people to sign along with their parents to promote driving safety and prevent drunk driving crashes. The purpose of the contract is to save lives.
The contract is a contract of love and trust designed to save lives. The contract acknowledges that the parents still forbid the teen from underage drinking, but acknowledges that teens unfortunately will be teens and do things from time to time that they should not be doing such as drinking alcohol with other teenagers.
In exchange for the young person’s good judgment in requesting a ride home, the contract specifies that the parents will commit not to ask questions or hassle their young driver or their child’s friends for drinking alcohol that evening. The Contract for Life demonstrates that the safety of the teen and others is always a priority for a parent and when a teen may be in danger they should always be able to call a parent to protect them.
Fill up the contract now, read it, discuss it and sign it.